Physiotherapy Practice

Turn your summer house into a professional physiotherapy practice where you can treat clients and promote recovery. The use of wood contributes to a pleasant working environment with optimal acoustics. Our summer houses, specifically designed as physiotherapy practices, are fitted with floor, wall and roof insulation and provide privacy for patients so they feel comfortable during an appointment.

We have already considered some room layout so you can include it with a comfortable seating area or a guest toilet. See the floor plan below or configure your practice room entirely according to your needs and size requirements with our 3D configurator.

Physiotherapy Practice

Do I need a licence for a home physiotherapy practice? 

In many cases, you will need a licence for a physiotherapy practice at home, even if it is in your garden house, to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of the community.

The requirement for a licence may vary depending on the location and the type of practice you intend to run. Consult your local government to determine the permits and licences required to start a home-based physiotherapy practice.

What do I need to start my own practice? 

Starting your own physiotherapy practice is a great way to pursue your passion for health and well-being while being self-employed. Here are some key aspects to consider when starting a physiotherapy practice for yourself. 

Begin by legalizing your physiotherapy practice. Choose the right legal structure and register your business. Obtain the necessary insurances to protect both yourself and your practice. 

Design your garden house with the right equipment and facilities for physiotherapy treatments and create a professional and comfortable environment that complies with hygiene and safety standards.

Is the home-based practice ready-to-use? 

If you are looking for a ready-to-use home-based physiotherapy practice, there are log cabins that come with all the necessary features for a practice, making setting up your business quicker and easier. These studios are typically designed to meet the needs of a physiotherapy space, with sufficient space for a comfortable treatment table, exercise equipment, and privacy to ensure patient confidentiality during treatments. 

Summer houses from Lugarde, specifically designed for physiotherapy services, are fully insulated with floor, wall, and roof insulation, allowing you to use them comfortably all year round. There are fitted with adequate ventilation and electrical connections for a healthy, functional, and comfortable workplace.